Monday, July 20, 2015

Word ‘Millennials’ Forced Into Headline To Boost Pageviews

CHICAGO—Seeking to maximize the potential reach of their latest post, sources confirmed Thursday that the editors of news website The Daily Blotter managed to force the word “millennials”into the article’s headline in order to boost pageviews. “This post was about to go live when I realized that shoehorning the word ‘millennials’ into both the header and the lede somewhere would probably double the number of eyeballs we get on it, so I sent it back to the section editor for another pass,” senior editor Jeffrey Gein told reporters, noting that though the 400-word article concerning new workplace regulations has no connection whatsoever to the millennial demographic, he was nonetheless able to make the attractive, eye-catching term the first word in theheadline. “Sometimes we’ll be having a pretty slow day, so I’ll toss a few ‘millennials’ into our feed so that we drum up some traffic. Of course, sometimes I’ll just do that anyway. As long as we get those click-throughs, I’m happy.” At press time, Gein had managed to garner even more pageviews for the post by shrewdly squeezing the terms “controversial,” “viral,” and “you won’t believe” into the headline as well.

Via: The Onion | Word ‘Millennials’ Forced Into Headline To Boost Pageviews